New single ”On Mala” OUT NOW!
Our brand new single On Mala is out now on all streaming platforms!
Stream the song via this link.
Our brand new single On Mala is out now on all streaming platforms!
Stream the song via this link.
The first single of the upcoming album ‘Bomba Pop’ is out NOW!
Listen to the new song here.
The new single Bomba from the upcoming album Bomba Pop is coming out this Friday, September 22nd!
Be the first one to hear it and pre-save here.
Discover the enchanting world of Klezmer music with the Amsterdam Klezmer Play Along Book!
On 1 October, we would like to welcome you to the book presentation at Concerto Amsterdam. This book opens the doors for musicians of all ages and levels, beginners and experienced players alike, to discover and embrace the wonderful compositions of the Amsterdam Klezmer Band.
And that’s not all! Cabaret artist, publicist, radio producer Micha Wertheim will present the afternoon and share his personal experiences with the band.
From 1 October, the Amsterdam Klezmer Band’s new online academy will offer worldwide access to their compositions. Grab your chance now to keep Klezmer music alive by playing it yourself
We will kick off at 17:00! See you there!
With deep sadness we have to share the news that our beloved accordion player Theo has passed away. We will dearly miss his incredible contributions to our music, and his warm and friendly personality. Theo, you have given us so much.
The Amsterdam Klezmer Band ”Play Along” vol 1. book is now on sale!
Have you always wanted to learn more about our music? Do you feel like playing along with our music?
In that case we have great news for you: Amsterdam Klezmer Band now proudly presents the brand-new Amsterdam Klezmer Academy website.
The website will soon be published online, including various tutorials, videos and more. You can now already order the book via our webshop.
Compositie & presentatie Jasper de Beer (bas, gitaar, banjo, zang).
In het kader van het 25-jarig bestaan van de Amsterdam Klezmer Band.
Beluister de volledige aflevering hier.
Beste vrienden van de AKB,
Jammer genoeg moeten we vandaag een minder vrolijk bericht met jullie delen.
Theo, onze accordeonist, is wegens gezondheidsredenen voor onbepaalde tijd niet in staat om met ons op te treden. De aard van zijn toestand is helaas zo dat we niet weten of hij nog terug zal keren op het podium, maar we hopen natuurlijk van wel.
Gelukkig hebben we een goede vervanger op accordeon. Ellen van Vliet is al sinds jaren Theo’s invaller en we hebben haar intussen volledig opgenomen in de muzikale AKB-familie.
We hebben veel contact met Theo’s familie. We missen hem heel erg en hopen dat hij goed zal herstellen.
Dear friends of Amsterdam Klezmer Band,
Unfortunately, there’s a message we have to share with you that’s not very cheerful.
For health reasons Theo, our accordion player, will not be able to perform with us for an indefinite time. Because of the seriousness of his condition we cannot be sure he will return to the stage with us, but of course we hope he will.
We are happy that we have a great replacement accordion player. Ellen van Vliet has been Theo’s substitute for a few years now, and in the meantime she has become a true member of our AKB-family.
We keep in touch with Theo’s family on a regular basis. We miss him a lot and we hope he will recover well.
Samenstelling & presentatie Janfie van Strien, klarinettist van de Amsterdam Klezmer Band.
Programma in het kader van het 25-jarig bestaan van de Amsterdam Klezmer band.
Beluister de volledige aflevering hier.
You can now listen to our new single ‘Piso de Estrellas’ on all streaming platforms.
Click here to listen now.
”Piso de Estrellas” by Los Kamer feat. Amsterdam Klezmer Band & Luca Ferraris
New Album Bomba Pop
Check it out and STREAM Bomba Pop is available on your favourite platform.